Three Practical Guidelines for Prayer

Gary DeLashmutt
James 5:13-20

James has three practical guidelines for prayer. He encourages the cultivation of the habit of ongoing individual prayer. Involve other Christians in your prayer life. And pray for straying Christians.

Building Up the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:7-16

Building up the Body of Christ involves using the gifting one received upon conversion in an attitude of love. The goal is for everyone to use their gifting to help others to attain spiritual maturity. Paul calls all Christians to make every effort to learn to love and build up others in the Body.

God's Comfort

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 1:1-11

The word translated "comfort" in our Bibles has a stronger meaning than we commonly use. It means to strengthen, fortify, encourage in the midst of adversity. God's comfort is an expression of His character. He is not distant nor aloof, but full of mercy and compassion. God's comfort is available for and fully adequate for all kinds of suffering. Receiving God's comfort enables us to give His comfort to others. We experience God's comfort as we patiently trust Him in our suffering. Suffering can displace self-reliance and lead to deeper confidence in God's future faithfulness.

Three Essential Elements of Christian Unity

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:27-2:2

Three essential elements of Christian unity are we have a common relationship with Jesus, a common source of truth, and a common mission. We are not united by a common membership in the same human organization but we have a common love relationship with Jesus through His Spirit who directs us into truth and His purpose for us.

Giving Away God's Love: Encourage One Another

Patrice McCormac
1 Thessalonians 5:14

A good definition of encouragement is words or actions, rooted in truth, designed to strengthen people to keep pursuing the things of God. Effective encouragement has both loving motivation and the wisdom to discern the needs of the moment of the other person accurately. To become a more effective encourager, prayerfully make it a goal when you get together with people to look for opportunities to listen well and give a timely word of encouragement.

Readiness to Suffer

Ben Foust
1 Peter 4:1-17

Peter seeks to encourage a group of Christians who are undergoing a "fiery ordeal"--persecution for their decision to follow Christ. Peter acknowledges that the will of God may involve suffering, but it will bring us to the purpose that God has created us for--helping reconcile the world to God--and should not be resisted or come as a surprise. We can embrace it with joy, knowing it will refine us and our faith.

Discipling High School Students

Doug O'Malley
2 Timothy 2:2

Making disciples from the Gen Z age bracket can be confusing yet, Jesus still calls us to do it. The gospel has always found a way to break through each generation. This workshop will look into the unique barriers to discipling high school student today, as well as practical ideas for how to do it well.

God as Our Shepherd and Host

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 23:1-6

In Psalm 23 David describes God as being both his shepherd and his host. As his shepherd, David says God provides for all his needs, including restoration, guidance, and protection. As his host, God provides refreshment and encouragement in trouble, pursues him with His love, and gives the sure promise of eternal life with Him if we give ourselves to a relationship with Him through Jesus.

Biblical Leadership

Ryan Lowery
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Biblical leadership is accomplished through flawed people, willing to be servants. We are called to acknowledge the role of leaders, understanding they have a God-given role, and we should not make it difficult for them. We are also not to put them on a pedestal. Christian leaders are not called to control people, but rather to help people make decisions about their life, informed about the Biblical perspective on their choices.