Life Together

Chris Hearty
Galatians 6:1-9

To live life together with love in spiritual community with God's people, we must be willing to know and be known by other people. Real Christian community involves being honest about our battles over sin and temptation and gently helping others with their struggles with the same. Imagine what life would be like in a community where people were not boastful but humble, not competitive but willing to help restore people, not bearing just their burdens but each other's burdens and never giving up?

Filled to Overflowing

Jim Leffel
Romans 15:13

God wants to fill us so completely that we overflow with peace and joy in abundance. Just like Paul's Roman audience, modern Christians live stress-filled lives that leave us too often feeling depleted, running on empty. The answer to feeling empty is to thirst for God. As you trust in him, he will fill you to overflowing with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Three Keys to Perseverance

Jim Leffel
Romans 15:1-6

The three keys to perseverance Paul lays out in Romans 15 are 1. To react to challenges victoriously, to have perseverance, one must have an outward focus, and not be selfish. But recognize others have a claim on us to build them up in the Lord. 2. Be strengthened by the inspiring examples of faithful followers of God preserved in Scripture and 3. Let God speak to our thinking through his people and through his Word, so that we can come together with one mind and one purpose.

Fulfill Your Ministry

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 4:1-8

Knowing the end of his life is near, Paul charges Timothy to fulfill his ministry with restraint and endurance. He exhorts him to run his race, fight the good fight, and receive the crown of righteousness when he has fulfilled his ministry. Even though his life was about to end, Paul filled his message to Timothy with encouragement to finish well as he had done.

The Church in Pergamum

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 2:12-17

Jesus addresses a letter directly to the church in Pergamum to praise them for being faithful witnesses but to also admonish them for failing to address false teachings happening in their church. Jesus calls them to aggressively confront the Nicolaitans, who were known for unrestrained indulgences, or he would come and use the sword of His mouth (the Word) to deal with this false teaching. \r\nA church that refuses to speak truth in love is a church that is trouble. Jesus offers his provision to the church that commits to refuting false doctrine.

Stoke Up Your Spiritual Fire

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 1:1-7

Paul directs young Timothy not to start a new spiritual fire but to kindle afresh the fire he already has. It hasn't gone out; it merely needs to be stoked back up to a roaring blaze. It doesn't need something new, just more of what fed the fire in the first place. He needs to return to the basics of his faith. A little more time in the Word, in prayer, in fellowship with God's people will go a long way in rekindling smoldering embers.

Mountaintop Experiences

Conrad Hilario
Mark 9:2-7

In this passage we examine the significance of Jesus' transfiguration. What was God trying to communicate through it? In addition to this, we will discuss our own "mountaintop experiences" with God and answer this question. How much weight should we put on them and why does he give them to us?

The Family of God - Prodigal Son

Ryan Lowery
Luke 15:11-32

We are living during a time of great confusion and fear. In times like this, we wonder where God is? How can God allow things like this to happen? Jesus gives us a clear example where we learn what God is really like. He is our loving father who allows us the freedom to make mistakes but welcomes us home into His embrace when we choose Him. We are the family of God with a loving father, and when times are tough we need to come together as God's people to show His mercy and His love, to those who feel isolated and alone.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Sharing Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 1:8

The book of Acts unfolds the multi-faceted ways the Holy Spirit enables us to be Jesus' witnesses: 1) He guides us into opportunities to share; 2) He gives us courage and articulation as we share; 3) He convicts people of their need for Jesus; 4) He enables us to do confirming deeds of love; and 5) He encourages us when we experience opposition.\r\n