Our Global Partner in Ecuador is Arco Church. God is working in Ecuador through Arco to plant house churches, make disciples, and raise up local leaders. Through house churches and evangelistic events, they are reaching the lost all over Ecuador.
In addition to church planting, Arco also provides much-needed services to their local community through micro-finance projects, serving poor children with Compassion International, and building homes for the destitute through the Houses of God ministry. They also adorn the gospel in their communities through developing rapport with their local government to offer aid to the poor.

Dwell's partnership with Arco focuses on El Oro province, working in the cities of Santa Rosa, Huaquillas, Machala, Guabo, and Camilo Ponce Enriquez; with plans to expand their work outside of the province. In addition to support from their local church, Dwell contributes financial support to house churches, church planters, and indigenous workers. We also work with Arco each year to facilitate short-term trips that provide medical clinics to help grow the reach of the local church. We are also deeply invested in equipping the leaders at Arco and regularly collaborate to conduct biblical training conferences for elders and church planters.
To give to our Arco Church in Ecuador, visit our giving page.