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One Time Session
XSI 2025 Breakouts
11:00 AM
Seeing Chances in Chaos
John Ross - Pastor, Dwell Community Church
RM 204/206
Big problems often provide big turning points for individuals and groups. This guided discussion will explore how to steward tension, crisis and problems in your ministry.
World Missions at Dwell
Dwell Missions Staff - Dwell Community Church
RM 200
This session will lay out Dwell's vision for global missions, discuss key values for partnerships, present guidelines for missionary sending, and outline our engagement strategy.
The Powerful Prayer Meeting
Keira Williamson - Home Group Leader, Dwell Community Church
Office Auditorium
"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful" (Col 4:2). Learn about the wonderful promises of prayer and how to have a vibrant and effective corporate prayer meeting.
Faithfulness or Fruitfulness?
Brian Adams - Student Ministries Director, Dwell Community Church
MC Auditorium
In evangelism, is the point to be faithful or fruitful? Many Christians are pained by a lack of fruit-bearing. We will explore the tension of waiting on God, with working hard.
Sharing the Gospel with Family
Doug O'Malley - Class Instructor, Dwell Community Church
MC Cafe Auditorium
God loves using people to reach their families. This session will look at biblical principles and practical ideas for witnessing to non-believing family.
Declaring The Beautiful Good News
Joe Byler - Lead Pastor, Veritas Church, Short North
RM 205/207
Romans 10 disagrees with “preach the gospel and when necessary use words.” The gospel is ultimately a spoken message. What is the core content and how can we lovingly share it?
2:00 PM
Startup Groups to Break New Ground
Josh Benadum - Church Planter & Ministry Coordinator
RM 205/207
In this session, we will study methods used around the world for starting spiritual discussion groups that have the capacity to become new churches.
People Skills 101
Scott Risley - Pastor, Dwell Community Church
MC Auditorium
At its core, ministry is relational. Join us as we discuss insights from Relational Wisdom and Emotional Intelligence to enhance your ministry impact and personal relationships.
God's Peace in an Age of Anxiety
Chris Risley - Senior Leader, Dwell Community Church
Office Auditorium
We think of peace as a feeling; God's peace is much broader. Come explore the facets of God's peace for your life and how living it out will help draw people to God's truth.
God in Ethiopia
Lou Kassa - Ethiopia Missions Team Leader, Dwell Community Church
RM 200
God is moving among the people groups of Northern Ethiopia through evangelism, discipleship and house-church planting. Bethel Church went from 200 to 3,200 people in 10 years.
Creativity in Sharing your Faith
Hannah O'Malley - Home Group Leader, Dwell Community Church
RM 204/206
Jesus tells us that there are scores of people waiting to hear the good news. To effectively reach them, we need God's heart for them, perseverance and creativity!
The Lost Art of Inviting
Brad DuFault - Student Min. Staff, Dwell Community Church
MC Cafe Auditorium
Christian community and biblical teaching play important roles in helping people come to faith in Jesus. How can we bring people to our community, and bring our community to them?
3:30 PM
Bible Teaching for Evangelism
Ben Foust - Senior Leader, Dwell Community Church
MC Auditorium
Good Bible teachings give God the chance to both feed Christians and win the hearts of non-believers. Learn how to prepare teachings that speak to everyone in the room.
Mission in the Marrow
Pat Reeder - Equipping Director, Dwell Community Church
Office Auditorium
God’s plan for the world is in the marrow of Scripture. We’ll survey God’s love for the nations in the Old Testament, as well as examine the unique tools we possess after Pentecost
Salt and Light
Liz Sweet - Biblical Counselor & Ministry Coach, Dwell Community Church
MC Cafe Auditorium
Today people feel free to criticize, reject and cancel others. As believers how do we stand apart? This class covers how knowing Christ grows humility so we can offer lasting hope.
Standing with the Global Church
Mike Woods - Senior Leader, Dwell Community Church
RM 204/206
Most Christians live in the developing world where the Gospel is expanding. Supporting the Global Church is more than what we can offer them; it’s what they offer us!
Christ’s Kingdom on Display
Lee Davis - Co-Lead Pastor, Berlin Church, Lewis Center, OH
RM 200
The Gospel of the Kingdom has a missional design—that we will reflect and proclaim Jesus’ goodness to our neighbors and the nations.
Michael T. Cooper - Aff. Professor Kairos Univ., Missiologist for East West & Author
RM 205/207
The city of Ephesus was the site of the most significant church planting movement. What made it the epicenter? How can we replicate this in a world that is so different?
11:00 AM
Startup Groups to Break New Ground
Josh Benadum - Church Planter & Ministry Coordinator
Office Auditorium
In this session, we will study methods used around the world for starting spiritual discussion groups that have the capacity to become new churches.
Bible Teaching for Evangelism
Ben Foust - Senior Leader, Dwell Community Church
MC Auditorium
Good Bible teachings give God the chance to both feed Christians and win the hearts of non-believers. Learn how to prepare teachings that speak to everyone in the room.
World Missions at Dwell
Dwell Missions Staff - Dwell Community Church
RM 200
This session will lay out Dwell's vision for global missions, discuss key values for partnerships, present guidelines for missionary sending, and outline our engagement strategy.
The Lost Art of Inviting
Brad DuFault - Student Min. Staff, Dwell Community Church
MC Cafe Auditorium
Christian community and biblical teaching play important roles in helping people come to faith in Jesus. How can we bring people to our community, and bring our community to them?
Declaring The Beautiful Good News
Joe Byler - Lead Pastor, Veritas Church, Short North
RM 205/207
Romans 10 disagrees with “preach the gospel and when necessary use words.” The gospel is ultimately a spoken message. What is the core content and how can we lovingly share it?
Michael T. Cooper - Aff. Professor Kairos Univ., Missiologist for East West & Author
RM 204/206
The city of Ephesus was the site of the most significant church planting movement. What made it the epicenter? How can we replicate this in a world t
2:00 PM
Mission in the Marrow
Pat Reeder - Equipping Director, Dwell Community Church
RM 204/206
God’s plan for the world is in the marrow of Scripture. We’ll survey God’s love for the nations in the Old Testament, as well as examine the unique tools we possess after Pentecost
God's Peace in an Age of Anxiety
Chris Risley - Senior Leader, Dwell Community Church
MC Auditorium
We think of peace as a feeling; God's peace is much broader. Come explore the facets of God's peace for your life and how living it out will help draw people to God's truth.
Salt and Light
Liz Sweet - Biblical Counselor & Ministry Coach, Dwell Community Church
Office Auditorium
Today people feel free to criticize, reject and cancel others. As believers how do we stand apart? This class covers how knowing Christ grows humility so we can offer lasting hope.
Faithfulness or Fruitfulness? (FULL)
Brian Adams - Student Ministries Director, Dwell Community Church
MC Cafe Auditorium
In evangelism, is the point to be faithful or fruitful? Many Christians are pained by a lack of fruit-bearing. We will explore the tension of waiting on God, with working hard.
God in Ethiopia
Lou Kassa - Ethiopia Missions Team Leader, Dwell Community Church
RM 200
God is moving among the people groups of Northern Ethiopia through evangelism, discipleship and house-church planting. Bethel Church went from 200 to 3,200 people in 10 years.
Standing with the Global Church
Mike Woods - Senior Leader, Dwell Community Church
RM 205/207
Most Christians live in the developing world where the Gospel is expanding. Supporting the Global Church is more than what we can offer them; it’s what they offer us!
3:30 PM
Seeing Chances in Chaos
John Ross - Pastor, Dwell Community Church
RM 200
Big problems often provide big turning points for individuals and groups. This guided discussion will explore how to steward tension, crisis and problems in your ministry.
People Skills 101
Scott Risley - Pastor, Dwell Community Church
MC Cafe Auditorium
At its core, ministry is relational. Join us as we discuss insights from Relational Wisdom and Emotional Intelligence to enhance your ministry impact and personal relationships.
The Powerful Prayer Meeting
Keira Williamson - Home Group Leader, Dwell Community Church
Office Auditorium
"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful" (Col 4:2). Learn about the wonderful promises of prayer and how to have a vibrant and effective corporate prayer meeting.
Creativity in Sharing your Faith
Hannah O'Malley - Home Group Leader, Dwell Community Church
RM 205/207
Jesus tells us that there are scores of people waiting to hear the good news. To effectively reach them, we need God's heart for them, perseverance and creativity!
Sharing the Gospel with Family
Doug O'Malley - Class Instructor, Dwell Community Church
RM 204/206
God loves using people to reach their families. This session will look at biblical principles and practical ideas for witnessing to non-believing family.
Connecting the Gospel to Culture's Story
Sam Chan - Author & Public Speaker
MC Auditorium
The Gospel never changes BUT our culture keeps on changing! So how do I make the Gospel "STICKY" to my friend's culture, whilst staying true to the Gospel?