The New Worship & Gratitude

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 13:15

God doesn't need our gratitude as validation for Himself, so why does it matter? Firstly, our level of gratitude reveals our spiritual health. Gratitude is a natural response to grace, so if we are understanding grace, we should be expressing gratitude. Gratitude is also a medicine that promotes spiritual health. This means we should be practicing gratitude actively. Several helpful ways to do this are to utilize spiritual songs, ask God to sensitize you to grumbling (and give others the green light to say something to you about it), keep a journal, reflect, thank others, and spend time with other grateful people.

Christian Leadership

Jim Leffel
1 Peter 5:1-7

We learn about the task of godly leadership, the motivations behind it, and the way it is to be exercised. Godly leaders recognize that they have an influence on others, so they take that responsibility seriously. They are models of humility for their people. Spiritual leaders are primarily motivated to lead because of God's grace toward them and because they see what is ahead?eternal rewards. They are not inspired by earthly gain or approval. They aim to please the Lord, not people, because they are centered on God's values. True spiritual leaders willingly suffer for their people (?the flock?). They are also leadable. No one can lead effectively until they themselves have learned to follow.

The Art of Leadership (Part 2)

Jill Briscoe
Philippians 3:12-14

Through Paul's letter to the Philippians, we see Paul not let his circumstances dictate his mood. He allows God to put courage into him and accept the unacceptable. Paul demonstrates servant leadership, modeling Christ. He presses on and is obedient, leading to liberty. He shows us that if you want to be big, learn to be small. And that when we minister we must remember that we are dead to sin and to let God give us our throne.

Joy and the Attitude of Christ

Jim Leffel
Philippians 2:4-11

Christ's example of humility and sacrificial love is the ultimate motivator for us to love others. Christ emptied himself and died an entirely sacrificial death motivated by love. There is only one reality moving forward in this life. It's that Christ is the Lord and that future is in His loving charge.

Walking in the Light

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 1:5-2:2

God is light and as such, having fellowship with Him requires walking in the light. As Christians, we must appreciate that God is righteous and His instructions have moral authority in our lives. Living in fellowship with God requires an appreciation for His righteousness, along with learning to humbly and honestly cooperate with Him as we encounter sin in our lives. As we respond to God's correction in our lives, we can enjoy deepened fellowship with God and others.

The Unpredictable Jesus

Jeff Gordon
Luke 18:9-34

Jesus confronts conventional wisdom in three situations: 1) Pharisee and tax collector; 2) faith of children; 3) rich and the poor. The contrasts in each of these draws out that a life of self-sufficiency and following external rules isn't what makes people acceptable to God. It is through humility and faith in what Jesus did for humanity that makes people right with God.\r\n

Patriarchy or Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5

Throughout various religions and church history, there have been misrepresentations of marriage roles between men and women. Instead, God's design for roles within relationships is servant love, a commitment to the betterment of the other person. Growing Christians realize that trying to have control and power within relationships, in particular within marriage, isn't the key. Instead, developing love and humility to radically serve the other partner is the key. Biblical submissiveness for wives is a willingness to be served and led towards God by their husband as they ultimately submit to Christ's leadership.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 5)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

Within conflict resolution, there are two ways to negotiate: competitive or cooperative. We must prepare beforehand what we want to say concerning the conflict we're in, affirm the importance of the relationship with the other person, understand the interests of the others, and look for solutions for the conflict. In the case of continued disagreement, we can humbly re-assess the situation to continue to preserve the unity we have in Christ. Developing skills within conflict resolution is good for continued unity and glorifying God.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 4)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

One of the keys to biblical conflict resolution is Christ-like forgiveness towards those who have offended us. Biblical forgiveness isn't an emotion, or excusing the wrongdoing, or forgetting what happened. However, it frees up the offender from the moral wrong committed against us, as we forgive in the way Christ forgave us. As we approach people, God is able to allow us to bring up the offense with humility, look to God's Word for wisdom, and appropriately respond to their response. Reproving someone for the sake of conflict resolution is able to glorify God.